When New Dress Shoes are Too Tight

When New Dress Shoes are Too Tight

2017.05.25. 오후 3:51
Mr KNOW is in a hurry to go out.

He opens the cabinet and picks up a pair of dress shoes.

Wow, those are some shiny, brand-new dress shoes.

He tries on a pair of dress shoes and it looks pretty uncomfortable.

The new shoes are too tight apparently.

Even after trying the dress shoes on before buying them,

you happen to find that they are too tight.

What should you do when new dress shoes are too tight?

Today’s ‘One Point Life-Hacks’

How to stretch tight new dress shoes!

▶ Wearing thick socks or packing newspapers in dress shoes and use a hairdryer to apply heat.

▶Using a hot wet towel, wipe the inside and outside of your dress shoes.

[저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재, 재배포 및 AI 데이터 활용 금지]