[K-MOVE] 3D Printers in Schools

[K-MOVE] 3D Printers in Schools

2018.10.12. 오후 11:32
A 3D printer is piling up layers of raw material.

The 30-minute printing work has created a type of comb-pattern pottery from the Neolithic Age.

Although its size is one-fifth of the original pottery, the shape is same as the 7,000-year-old relics from the New Stone Age.

All the 3D printing processes have been done by the students.

[Kim Si-Hyeon, primary school student]
"It was great to see the object (created with the 3D printer) in person."

It was the first time that a 3D printer has been introduced in a regular school class.

The students can experience not only 3D printing processes but also historic relics.

The pilot 3D printing classes will be offered in accordance with the curriculum such as science and mathematics.

The Ministry of Science and ICT plans to expand the utilization of 3D printers, based on the outcome of operating the trial classes.

[저작권자(c) YTN 무단전재, 재배포 및 AI 데이터 활용 금지]
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