NEC "No sign of rigged election"... refuting Yoon's discourse one by one

2024.12.13. PM 8:30
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While President Yoon virtually publicly raised suspicions of fraudulent elections through his second public statement, the Central Election Commission issued a second statement refuting them one by one.

He said that there were no signs of fraudulent elections and that the system was checked, and that the martial law army's filming of the NEC server was meaningless.

I'm reporter Jeong In-yong.

President Yoon took issue with the National Election Commission, claiming the legitimacy of martial law.

[Yoon Suk Yeol / President: How can the people trust the election results when the computer system that manages the election, which is the core of democracy, is such a mess?]

Following one rebuttal, the NEC issued an additional statement carrying a more specific counterargument.

There were no signs of fraudulent elections in the general election in April, and data manipulation was essentially impossible.

President Yoon's claim that the NEC refused to comply with the system inspection and allowed only a part of it, argued that the NIS inspected the entire server for more than two months and later improved it.

[Kim Yong-bin / Secretary-General of the National Election Commission: Considerable measures have been taken from January this year to around March in the process of preparing for the 22nd National Election, and all of them have been checked and completed with observers from the people's power.]

The claim that he was vulnerable to NIS hacking attempts drew a line that it was unacceptable because it was a simulation conducted by lowering the security level.President

Yoon also said the password was simple, but he said there were some such parts in the internal business facilities separated from the election system, but he changed them and introduced a second authentication system.

When martial law forces took photos of the NEC's server, the NEC's server dismissed the possibility of taking information from the outside, saying it was impossible to access remotely.

[Noh Tae-ak / Chairman of the Central Election Management Committee: The Internet itself is blocked, so it is difficult to do it remotely, and if you come into direct contact internally, you need a lot of security devices. / I think it is impossible.]

The NEC emphasized that martial law forces were actually in the computer room for about 15 minutes and that there was no connection to the server or installation of the program.

This is YTN Jeong Yong-yong.

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